Term: 30 Yr Fixed
Baton rouge, LA
Lender: Bank of America
- Mortgage Amount
$179,000 - APR
3.146% - Mortgage Payment
$1,013 - Property Type
Single - Closed
01/07/2016 - Buy-Down
$4,498 - Down Payment
$0 - Closing Cost
My testimony start with me giving NACA another chance after my divorce. About six months before my divorce, i attended the work shop and a counseling sessions for NACA, but never gained any traction. So i gave up on it. But once i went through some life changing experience, i gave NACA a call and continue the process. Its started smooth but then came the trouble. I hand to write letter after letter explaining my life story about my finances and bills, had to pay off the taxes I owed, display my income and financial documents. The process started in April, 2015 and by October, i was cleared to start looking for a house, which only took me a month to find. I end up closing in January 2016. My message to anyone is keep believing and have patience. God is in control! They take you through a lot of stressful situations, but its worth it in the end. Low interest rate and no down payment. God is Good!