Term: 30yr
Charlotte, NC
Lender: Bank of America
- Mortgage Amount
$322,000 - Mortgage Payment
$2,082 - Property Type
Single - Closed
4/16/2024 - Down Payment
$0 - Closing Cost
We’re happy and excited to finally have closed on our home. This is our first home purchase and excited to have done it through NACA here in Charlotte, NC, from beginning to end, it was an exciting, emotional roller coaster. Everything I imagined in all the positive ways. We ended up with what we consider our dream home. Our purchase price was $322,000 and our interest rate is 5.375% And our closing cost was $0. As a matter of fact, we got reimbursed a little bit of money, which was unexpected and the best news we could have gotten. So thank you for everything. We appreciate everybody’s support from the moment we were referred, from our friends and coworkers, We actually are trying to take credit of who heard about NACA first. We both did. from different people and we’re really appreciative for them. Thank you very much