Term: 30 Yr Fixed
Matthews, NC
Lender: Bank of America
- Mortgage Amount
$133,500 - APR
3.375% - Mortgage Payment
$770 - Property Type
Single - Closed
05/19/2016 - Buy-Down
$0 - Down Payment
$0 - Closing Cost
I never thought about being a homeowner.
One day I was having my car repaired and my mechanic was telling me about NACA. He said that it is a good program and I was curious and check it out. I attended a workshop and 5 months later I am now a homeowner. I work a bank and I could not have gotten what I received from NACA. This is a great program. I’m currently working with my community to get them involved in this program. I have several people that will be going to the workshop this Saturday.
I was paying rent for a small apartment for $850.00. Now I have a home & my mortgage is $748.00. My interest rate is 3.375%.
Thank you NACA for making our Dreams come True.