Term: 30 Yr Fixed
Tampa, FL
Lender: Bank of America
- Mortgage Amount
$165,723 - APR
3.389% - Mortgage Payment
$1,228 - Property Type
Condo - Closed
01/22/2016 - Buy-Down
$2,486 - Down Payment
$0 - Closing Cost
My partner Scott and I have had some twisted financial burdens to deal with in the past. Scott has Young Onset Parkinson’s Disease. He was diagnosed at age thirty-five. We have been denied financial assistance over the years due to limited incomes or lack of proof in credit history, etc.
We stumbled across NACA after six months of moving to Tampa, Fl. NACA was the first home ownership program that showed us kindness. Having a disability is not a reason to be disadvantaged and denied the dream of home ownership.
We were shown that stability, payment history, diligence and determination are what makes home ownership a reality. For that, I cannot thank the entire NACA organization enough! We’ve been settled in our condo since February 2016, only seven months after attending our first NACA workshop.