Term: 30 Yr Fixed
Glendale Heights, IL
Lender: Citimortgage
- Mortgage Amount
$243,660 - APR
1.448% - Mortgage Payment
$1,479 - Property Type
Single - Closed
12/01/2016 - Buy-Down
$17,056 - Down Payment
$0 - Closing Cost
Our journey through NACA was pleasant. We started in May 2016 and ended on December 1st of 2016. We knew that we had to be patient, disciplined, and trusting in the Lord. We did have our moments that were overwhelming, but now we know that it is very common. The NACA staff have been very patient and explained everything, easing our process. We truly appreciate the program, the staff, and above all, our Lord. Our lives will be forever blessed thanks to the NACA program and our Heavenly Father!