Term: 30
Linwood, PA
Lender: Bank of America
- Mortgage Amount
$225,000 - Mortgage Payment
$1,865 - Property Type
Single - Closed
6/25/2024 - Down Payment
$0 - Closing Cost
Today is a dream come true! I’ve just purchased a three-family home in Newark, New Jersey, and it’s all thanks to NACA’s remarkable program! With an interest rate of 5.875% and a monthly payment of $5200, I’m feeling grateful for this opportunity. I want to thank the incredible team that made it happen: Real Estate Agent Tevin Lewis, I’m thrilled to share my joy with you all! Today, I’m closing on my new home in Linwood, PA, and it’s a dream come true. With an affordable monthly payment for my $225,000 home, I’m feeling grateful and proud. A huge thank you to my agent @Jerome Washington who has been instrumental in making this happen. As a first-time homebuyer, I was nervous but he put me at ease with his expertise and support. To anyone embarking on this journey, I say: stay focused on your goals, don’t settle for anything less than what you want, and don’t be afraid to ask questions. It’s never too late to achieve your dreams – today’s the day I prove that! #NACA #HomeSweetHome #AchievingMyGoals #NACA #HomeSweetHome #Proud #govote #vote
Ericka Mitchell – Closing: 6/25/24 – Linwood, PA – 7% – 30yr Fixed Rate – $1,865/Mo – Purchase Price: $225,000