Term: 30 Yr Fixed
Los angeles, CA
Lender: Citimortgage
- Mortgage Amount
$427,500 - APR
3.125% - Mortgage Payment
$2,356 - Property Type
Two - Closed
05/20/2016 - Buy-Down
$0 - Down Payment
$0 - Closing Cost
We started the program in 2012 but we were not ready. In June of 2015 we walked back in the NACA office in Hawthorne and walked out with great news, we were ready. We started submitting all our paperwork as requested and sometimes resubmitted but with patience and organization, we did it. We are now in May 2016 and are closing at the Hawthorne NACA office. We want to say thank you to Marisol, Mario, Sacari, Joyce, Virgil and also Gabby and Cameron for the awesome weekend workshops.