Term: 30 Yr Fixed
Adger, AL
Lender: Bank of America
- Mortgage Amount
$45,660 - APR
2.548% - Mortgage Payment
$300 - Property Type
Single - Closed
01/25/2016 - Buy-Down
$3,197 - Down Payment
$0 - Closing Cost
I am writing this letter to let you know how much I appreciate the assistance that NACA has given me in the purchase of my home. On May 15, 2015 I went to my first appointment and meet with Zale Brown, when in the meeting Zale said that I had everything I needed and that it should be a smooth process and that I was right were I needed to be and the house that I was looking to purchase was right in the ballpark for me to purchase. Everything was going good and according to Zale it was only be a few more weeks for us to close and then on 10/10/2015 I receive a phone call from Kamona Tolbert telling me that Zale no longer works for NACA and that she was my counselor at that point, and then she sent me an e-mail with the condition from bank of America. After that it seemed like it took forever to go to closing, I am a very patient man and I know that things cannot be rushed or thing’s will go wrong but all in all everything worked out fine. NACA is one of the best places to go if you are looking to purchase your first home and if you are on a fixed income I would recommend going to NACA in your area and talk to a NACA counselor so you can get prepared. If it wasn’t for NACA I would never have been able to buy my home, I am on a fixed income and with NACA’s help I was able to purchase a home that is only $1.00 more than my rent was a month. It took 10 month but now I can say I own my own home thanks to NACA and the Counselors