Term: 30 Yr Fixed
Chicago, IL
Lender: Citimortgage
- Mortgage Amount
$149,900 - APR
2.267% - Mortgage Payment
$773 - Property Type
Single - Closed
06/17/2016 - Buy-Down
$4,497 - Down Payment
$0 - Closing Cost
NACA is a wonderful program especially for 1st time homebuyers such as myself. I have told everyone I know about NACA and the people that helped me. The program and process can be a bit frustrating a times, but well worth it at the end. My counselor was great help to me. Jamille Wilson went above and beyond to make sure my experience was as “painless” as possible. Being greeted by Lydia at the front desk was always a pleasure, with her warm and welcoming spirit. I really appreciate the NACA program for helping me with purchasing my 1st home.