Term: 30 Yr Fixed
Birmingham, AL
Lender: Bank of America
- Mortgage Amount
$148,000 - APR
3.25% - Mortgage Payment
$852 - Property Type
Single - Closed
11/10/2014 - Buy-Down
$0 - Down Payment
$0 - Closing Cost
My experience with NACA was frustrating. It was a long process because I made it that way. Kimona Tolbert was excellent she told me everything I needed to do to ease the process. Once I was approved the ball starting rolling. By the time I was closing I had saved enough money (with the help of NACA) to pay off my car and pay cash to completely furnish my home(by myself ). I moved into a 3bdr 2ba home. I love it!! I could not have chosen a better program. I would encourage anyone to hang in there and do as your counselor tells you, they want you to have a home just as bad as you do. Thanks NACA!