Term: 30 Yr Fixed
San Jacinto, CA
Lender: Citimortgage
- Mortgage Amount
$222,016 - APR
2.375% - Mortgage Payment
$1,269 - Property Type
Single - Closed
11/14/2016 - Buy-Down
$4,440 - Down Payment
$0 - Closing Cost
NACA is one of the best programs. Our experience has been great with bumps throughout our journey but for the most part great. We have been married for ten years and thanks to this wonderful program our dream of becoming homeowners is finally a reality. We will no longer be renting and throwing money away. Thanks to NACA we will be investing our money in our new home. Our locked rate will be at only 2.375% rate and our payments will be less than what we are currently paying for our current place. We can not thank NACA enough. God bless this program and a wonderful h=journey. Everything is possible with patient and wonderful people like NACA.