Term: 30 Yr Fixed
Baton rouge, LA
Lender: Citimortgage
- Mortgage Amount
$102,660 - APR
2.681% - Mortgage Payment
$522 - Property Type
Single - Closed
07/03/2014 - Buy-Down
$0 - Down Payment
$0 - Closing Cost
Buying my first home threw NACA was not EXACTLY a fun project. It was stressing and confusing. I kept saying to my mother throughout the process this is crazy! how do people do this all the time. I could go on and on about buying a house, but please know that all of the TRAILS, TRIBULATIONS and EXPENSES are all worth it.
But, after several months of nerve wracking searching, let-down i found a home that is perfect for me. NACA SAVE PEOPLE A LOT OF MONEY ON CLOSING CLOSE, DOWN PAYMENT AND HAVE A GREAT INTEREST RATE!!!!
AS OF TODAY INTEREST RATE IS 2.67, I’m house RICH, not house POOR. and why cash rich might be an overstatement, I still have my saving plan on.TRACK!!!!