Term: 30 Yr
Memphis, TN
Lender: Bank of America
- Mortgage Amount
$155,000 - Mortgage Payment
$1,197 - Property Type
Single - Closed
3/11/2024 - Down Payment
$0 - Closing Cost
I’m closing in Memphis, Tennessee. And today I feel absolutely wonderful. Wonderful opportunity to be able to purchase a home for me and my kids. My interest rate is a 5.75%. My mortgage amount is $1,197. And the person that I would like to thank the most during my whole experience is Ms. Jo Carroll. Ms. Jo helped me out through a lot of obstacles I had. She’s the real estate agent, and I don’t think I would have continued the process without her. So I just want to say thank you NACA, again for giving me the opportunity to purchase a home, my first home. I really appreciate it.